Best Rate Guarantee
Rest assured that the best Grand Legacy Hotel rates at our distinct property can only be found in one place—through our website. Please review our Best Rate Guarantee and book your Grand Legacy Hotel reservations with peace of mind.
Grand Legacy Hotel guarantees that every hotel reservation booked through our Hotel website, is guaranteed to have the best rate publicly available on the Internet.
If you find a rate for our Hotel on another website for the same room type, dates, and restrictions, we will not only match the lower rate you have found, but we will also reward you for bringing it to our attention!
If you find lower rates at the time of booking, contact Grand Legacy Hotel and we will match your rate at our Hotel.
If you have already made a reservation on the website, we will honor the lower rate and offer an upgrade based upon availability.
You must do the following to claim our Best Internet Rate Guarantee:
- Grand Legacy Hotel within 24 hours of booking your room by completing the required information in the Best Internet Rate Guarantee Claim Form.
- Upon its verification of your claim, Grand Legacy Hotel will honor that rate for the nights for which the lower rate was found.
- Rooms on the other website must be publicly available and bookable on the Internet at the time of verification.
Here is how our Best Internet Rate Guarantee works:
- Let’s assume you make reservations at a Grand Legacy Hotel for a two-night stay on at $269 per room per night.
- Within 24 hours, you find a rate for that same Grand Legacy Hotel of $249 per room per night through another website for the same dates, same room type, and rate payment requirements (e.g. full prepayment requirement) and restrictions.
- Complete the Best Internet Rate Guarantee Claim Form to claim the Best Internet Rate Guarantee.
- If we verify that indeed your booking with us is confirmed and a lower rate is available and bookable via another website, Grand Legacy Hotel will honor that rate for the nights for which the lower rate was found.
- Rooms on the other website must be publicly available and bookable on the Internet at the time of verification.
Please Note: this guarantee does not apply to:
- Rates for Grand Legacy Hotel on other websites that are less than $10 per night lower than the rates on
- Opaque or auction sites where the Hotel brand and/or the specific Hotel is not known until booking is finalized.
- Internet special promotions or packages.
- Packaged rates that include air, car rentals, taxes, service charges, meals, coupons, parking, services, or other services and amenities.
- Government, Corporate, Travel agencies, Groups, Associations or other rates
Why Book on our Website?
- Grand Legacy Hotel guarantees that every Hotel reservation booked through our website is guaranteed to have the best rate publicly available on the Internet.
- You can cancel directly with the Hotel up to 24 hours prior to arrival without penalty charges to your credit card.
We use your credit card to hold your reservation-we don’t pre-charge your credit card in advance (except for full-prepayment specials and packages).
Best Internet Rate Guarantee Claim Form:
Contact Grand Legacy Hotel within 24 hours of booking your room by completing the required information in the form below:
Boxes marked (*) are mandatory.